Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Baby Update - The Final Week!

Here we go again with what I hope will be my last pregnancy update before we welcome our second son to the world.

My OB/GYN did a NST (non-stress test) - baby is looking great.  He also checked - I'm 80% effaced, almost 2cm dilated and my cervix is very soft.  There is a chance I will go into labor this week.  If baby doesn't make his appearance by New Years, he is going to induce labor on Sunday.  My first son was induced on a Friday around lunchtime and didn't make his appearance until 6:50am Saturday morning.  I hear from 2nd- and 3rd-time moms that labor is a lot faster for round two.  Maybe next week I'll have some opinion to post about that!

In the meantime, my wonderful husband has cleaned the room and bathroom, prepared my son's bed and is getting everything ready for our return from the hospital.  He's being awesome.  :)  I think he is double excited because he not only is going to have another son, but gets time off work too! (J/K)

So there is a light at the end of this long tunnel.  I told a good friend today that this has seemed like the most drawn out pregnancy ever. Between the scare of having the baby before the POV (point of viability) to the high chance of a premie, it looks like this bugger is going to have to be induced.  It is so funny how things work out in the end!

I'll keep doing my jumping jacks and moving furniture... maybe he'll come on his own while we can still tax deduct him.  :)  If not, it's ok.  I'll be happy to have a healthy January baby boy too.

1 comment:

rella821 said...

Can't wait to meet the little guy! Don't move around too much furniture okay? :)