Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Potty Training & Hair Bows - great combo!

A little over a week ago I made a decision - no more diapers for my 39 month old 40lb boy!  We have been trying over and over since he was 2yo to potty train.  Heck, his older brother was 100% done by 2y1mo, why should he be different?  Sometimes you forget how different each child is from the next.  But eventually enough is enough, right?!?!  Well, I reached that point last Monday.

Maybe I'm a bad mom or person or whatever for my methods, but after you've tried everything, you get desperate.  Forget stars, prizes, candy, toys, etc.  Nothing motivated him enough to stop going in his diapers/pants/pull-ups/underwear.  Frustration is eased with the reminder that kids will potty train when they are ready/you can't rush it/boys take longer/blah blah blah.  Last resort???!!!!  Threats.

Bye bye size 5 nightmares!

Yep, here is the bad mommy part.  We are taking a trip and according to my son, 3 year olds who are not completely potty trained are not allowed to go on trips.  He also is acutely aware that kids cannot be left home alone otherwise the police will take the child to live in a new home. (yep, crappy mom... but all true statements, right?!)  He loves his family, his home and vacations... so he told me he was going to go in the potty all of the time.

His facial expression when I ask if he's excited about our trip.

It's been 9 days and he is still diaper free!  We have had a few accidents (4 - not bad!) but overall he's done great!  He is excited to go on a trip and is loving the positive attention he receives from going. (I ask him to go pee or poo and remind him how much I love him, how proud he makes me by going to the potty and how I'm so excited he will be able to go with us on our trip.)  Maybe a bad mommy move to start, but it has been working.  Let's just hope I'm not jinxing the process by writing about it too soon!


Besides potty training, I've been bow making.  Here are a few of my recent ones:

3" diameter silver satin handmade flower on 2" bobby pin

1-3/4" diameter dark red/burgundy satin handmade flower on 2" bobby pin.

The petal edges are individually melted.

1-1/4" diameter red flower on 2" silver bobby pin.

4" purple-on-purple stacked boutique style hair bow on a partially lined double prong clip.
Hand sewn and glued.

So watcha think?

I have more that I'll post in due time.  Between kids, paper crafting, bow making and getting ready for spring, there's a lot to get done.  Until then, happy Madness! :)

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