Thursday, September 29, 2011

I (heart) fall :)

So this is our second day back home and I couldn't be happier with our cool fall weather and crisp air.  It's been wonderful.  I spoke with DH yesterday and bragged about the 71-degrees, t-shirt and jeans, no humidity weather.  He said it was humid, and hot - 95-degrees, in FL.  I wouldn't trade it... at least not yet!

Today was Alex's first day back in pre-school.
 He missed almost two weeks and I was nervous that he wouldn't want to stay.  He did quite well; a little shy at first, he walked into his classroom and allowed his teacher to greet him while I slipped away.  After school, we have a birthday party to go to that Alex is excited about.  It should be fun!

Yesterday Alex's Lolo stopped by with a surprise... actually, two surprises!  Alex is now the owner of two Oriental Fire Belly Toads (which are actually frogs, go figure).  Lola and I took him shopping for a more proper tank and accessories.  A small fortune later, Alex's frogs have a happy home and tons of crickets to eat.  (Ewe... I so don't like amphibians OR bugs!)  Alex is happy and Lola is helping him with the feedings.  Thank goodness! :)

Meet Froggie #1.  They still don't have names.
Froggie #2 is in the water and not cooperating for the photo shoot.

Lola was able to capture this frog with her cellular phone's camera.

Speaking of Lola, she's been spoiling the boys since we've been back.  I think she missed them. :)

Besides that, I'm just trying to get caught up with everything that hasn't been done.  Clean the bathrooms, pay the bills, etc. That's life back home so far.  The only thing missing is DH - but he'll be back here tomorrow night, which makes everyone happy! :)