Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th

Ooohhh.... it's Friday the 13th.  Filled with bad luck.  Watch out for that black cat!  Stay away from ladders!  Be careful - all the crazies come out today!  Don't make any financial decisions, or you'll be the victim of misfortune and bad luck.  And if you don't forward this blog to 20 people in 0.25 seconds you'll die of pneumonia and jock itch within 48 hours.

Or not.

Let's see how luck is holding up in my household today...

My hubby is off of work today.  Depending on your own relationship, having your significant other home for the day could count as either bad or good luck.  I take it as good.

And he cleaned the bedroom, started laundry and did some yard work.  Double lucky.

He wanted to get a massage, but the place was booked.  A few minutes later they called back with a cancellation and he's getting a massage now.  Again, I'd say that is good luck.

Alex's caterpillars are all now in their chrysalis forms... lucky me, I get to move them into the butterfly garden container.  But as Publish PostLUCK would have it, I did it without touching them, nor did I drop any.  Again, another notch on the "good" luck side.

But the day is only 2/3 over. I guess I shouldn't count my eggs before they hatch. Hopefully it continues to be a good day though!

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