Monday, September 19, 2011

Hutchinson Island

Today we picked up DH at his client's office after work and headed down Ocean Blvd. over to Hutchinson Island. After heading north for some random amount of time, we pulled over to the east and decided to get into the ocean.  Unprepared for sand and water, we spent time splashing in jeans, capris and shorts.  The water was like a wave pool of bath water and Alex took joy in letting it sweep him off his feet and carry him down.  Reason #1 either DH or I had to have two hands on him at all times.  He is absolutely nuts.  I venture to guess that if we lived near a beach, he'd end up a nutty surfer.

Alex buried his stash of shells he collected.
It was hard to find them again. :)

It is so peaceful there.

Getting my boys to take a pic is like pulling teeth -
they are both interested in everything but saying cheese!

DH's jeans were soaked (right).

Jacob was either in awe or still half-asleep from his nap.  He was calm, even when the waves came up to his chest.  Covered in wet sand, he enjoyed his ride back to our "home" in a fresh diaper and his birthday suit.  Our poor SUV seats - they're abused with nature's oceanic treasures. It was worth it.

After we got home and showered, we headed to Duffy's as promised for DH.  We ran into his colleague and had dinner together.  Good company, good food, cold beer.  We took the kids to this little ice cream/soft serve joint that has everything from fudge, gourmet chocolates and cupcakes to a soft serve bar that totes flavors like PeachMango, Cookies and Cream, Espresso, etc.  After self-serving, there are 30-something toppings to add.  In the end, you pay per ounce.  I wonder if this concept would work back home.  It was wonderful.

Now we're back home and in bed. Jakey is sleeping - as he has been since his stroller ride home.  Alex is watching his newest favorite cartoon: Family Guy (So I'm not Mom-of-the-Year material, but it entertains him giving me blogging time :)  DH is getting his stuff ready for work in the morning. He keeps mumbling that he's going to do some homework.  I think he's having a hard time wanting to sit and focus.  It's ok, I know he'll get it done - somehow he always does. :)