Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The hole is closed, but....

So the hole in the wall was patched.  Then mudded.  Then sanded.  Then mudded.  Then sanded.  Then... well, you get the picture.  But it's no longer a hole.  Just a white blob on the wall.  We're going to paint it.

BUT now my floor is also a mess.  I don't have a functional kitchen.  Here are pictures from day one - the underlayment phase.  Alex is an awesome helper for his dad.

Adolfo and Alex working with the fiberock.

Alex helps his Tio with some measurements.  Measure twice - cut once!

The men hard at work.  Alex marks the cut lines.

They worked late into the night.  Alex is sleepy here.
We're making progress.  Next up is laying the tile.  That will be a two-day event since I want to keep the refrigerator plugged in with the water line.  (I drink a lot of ice water.)  Plus, it is a lot of work moving the refrigerator anyway.  Adolfo says that is ok, he can work with me. :)  What a great guy!  Meanwhile, I don't have a stove, so we're eating out for all of our meals.  As nice as that sounds, you do get sick of burgers and chinese.  Although, I don't seem to ever tire of Panera.

After the tile is finished, we're going to put the backsplash up, touch up the paint from the hole(s) and then put the kitchen back together.  Hopefully by the end of the weekend we'll be back to normal.

Thanks for reading!

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