Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Floor, Backsplash, Alex's Bike...

So if you read last night's blog entry, you've already had a peak into the kitchen.  Since I am so behind on this blog, I figured I would show you the Day 3 progress today and Day 4 tomorrow.  Meanwhile, I can hopefully start catching up with everything I want to share with you all!

Adolfo installed our backsplash on Saturday...

In the end I returned the glass mosaics - they were too busy against the granite.  We opted for a traditional natural travertine in a random pattern we made up.  We bought two 12x12 sheets of squared travertine tile and a bunch of the brick pattern type, layed them out on the floor until we were happy then let the hubby loose with wall tile adhesive and what-not.

It's looking good!  The travertine pulls out the colors in the granite.  We both felt it was better to leave the granite backspash in place for several reasons:

  1. It was expensive!
  2. Taking it down would mean buying more travertine.
  3. What would we do with the chuncks of granite afterward? 
  4. We like them.

As Adolfo installed the back splash, my brother-in-law layed the final few pieces of the flooring.

Somewhere during all this hustle and bustle of the week (or was it the weekend?), we managed to pull out a bike that my sister's kids passed onto Alex.  He had been too small for it last year, but this year the monster is WAY too big for his tricycle.  Time to graduate to big boy bikes!  We did a Walmart run and picked up the necessary pieces to spruce up the bike (new pedals, grips, etc) along with the safety gear.  As my brother-in-law Jose said, he'll be the safest dorky-looking kid around. :)

Riding a big boy bike is not as easy as the tricycle!

He fell down a few times, but that's what the safety gear is for!

Our cousin Jason put the pedals, handle bar grips, horn and cool new training wheels on. Thanks cuz!!!

I so don't think he is dorkey looking... I think he is a very cool looking 3 year old (i.e. my baby looks so cute!).

By the end of the night everyone was exhausted.  The boys passed out right away. :)

Thanks for reading - and being patient as I play catch-up (again).

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