Monday, March 28, 2011

Bugs, bugs, everywhere!

Well, not everywhere.  Bugs are just taking over my preschooler.  This month's theme at school has been dirt and things that come from dirt, live in dirt, like the dirt, etc.  He's learning about Spring and how things come to be.  It's pretty amazing to hear the new knowledge come out of my son's mouth.

His current interest is to wrap himself up in a blanket and say he is a caterpillar that is forming his cocoon to become a butterfly.  Then he "breaks" out of the blanket and flaps his wings around.  I often join in on the fun. :)

In celebration of Spring and all things buggy, we made some caterpillars.  Yes, they usually have 16 legs, but we went with 8.  Alex chose his colors - the spring colored one is the "Mommy" caterpillar and the green one is her son.  They like to crawl around on all our furniture and get into mischief.  Here is one of Alex's pics:

A little hot glue, pipe cleaners, pompoms and google eyes and you've got caterpillars!

We'll continue to make spring projects for a little while longer.  I'm thinking maybe something bunny related next.  But in reality, Alex runs the projects.  It all depends on what he's interested in on that day.

Thanks for reading!

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