It's been a short forever since my last entry - mostly because I had a white screen of death on my MacBook Pro. Luckily my tech-saavy dad was able to fix it by replacing my HD w/my original smaller HD. We thought all the data was gone, but by some magical miracle, he was able to fix my HD, case it up and now I have everything back on my laptop. He also set me up with a backup that I can use the Time Machine feature with. It's about time!
Enough tech-woe blabber. What's been up? Well, Jacob went from "crawling" to pulling himself to a stance on the edge of furniture in a matter of what... two weeks? How crazy is that!?!?! So there is no such thing as relaxing. He is a mover and a shaker. Between him and his big bro, we've had our hands full.
Speaking of big bro, I can't believe preschool starts up again already! Next week we meet Alex's new teacher and classmates. I still haven't finished supply shopping. He did score a new fall wardrobe already. He's loving his skater-inspired graphic tees and hoodies. Crazy right? Considering it is HOT out still. Better prepared for the impending season instead of struggling later to catch up with it. The only thing left on the A-wardrob list are some more jeans. Those can wait though.
My DH has been working hard on a client project. Nothing unusual for him. Beyond that, we've come up with some new home projects (how typical!) that we're going to attempt. Mostly rearranging rooms. He was an absolute doll this morning. He took the baby at 7am and left me to sleep. I rolled out of bed at 9:37am feeling totally spoiled. :)
Lastly, I've been up to the usual. Kids, parks, zoos, play dates - oh, and the computer woe-resolved situation. I've got the Fall itch and am looking forward to the weather turning in the next month or so. It's probably the fault of those retailers who already have their harvest decor out. That plus the Fall is my favorite time of the year. Jeans, sweaters, falling leaves, changing scenery. I love it all. :)