Saturday, March 19, 2011

Growing baby, floor, wall...

This past Thursday, Jacob officially switched to size 3 diapers.   How sad!  This 16 pound adorable bowling ball is growing by leaps and bounds.  We didn't even get through a full value-box of pampers.  No worries - my friend is taking the extras for her baby-girl-to-be.  But seriously, he's in huge diapers compared to just weeks ago.  Babies grow WAY to fast!

Beyond diapers, he's graduated to 6-month clothes.  Alex was always a size bigger (he was 2 months wearing 3 month clothes, then at 3 months, he wore 6 months, etc.).  Well, jacob is 2-1/2 months (and 2 days), and he's rockin' 6 month clothes!  The fun part is seeing him in new outfits.  Plus we're able to pack away the rest for a friend (or a third baby?!?!) while in good condition.  

Yesterday we didn't make progress on the floor because we went for the wall tile.  In the process, we changed our minds!  Instead of square natural travertine, we went with a mixed rock and glass tile.  It is pretty. :) Between homework assignments, Adolfo will work on the floor and wall today.  Hopefully I will have some photos to post later today or tomorrow.

Thanks again for reading!

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